Create a page using ConnectWise Manage data

Create a page using ConnectWise Manage data

After setting up the space link and creating the ‘CW Manage Integration’ page, you are ready to create content based on Configurations stored in ConnectWise Manage.

  1. Navigate to the ‘CW Manage Integration’ page.

  2. Click the ‘Create a page using CW Manage data’ button.

  3. In the dialogue ‘Add CW Manage Configuration Page’ enter a name for the new page, optionally select the destination and select one or more Configuration Types by checking the boxes before hitting ‘Submit’. 2024-10-18_18-22-21.png

  4. The newly create page link is displayed below the button.

  5. One can repeat steps 2 to 4 for other configuration types or other combinations of types or click the page link to view the page content based on the ConnectWise configurations.

Pages with ConnectWise data have the page label ‘cw-content’ applied.